To make a selection work…
Often neglected rules for a company, manager and HR manager
We offer a great opportunity, an interesting position, a very good salary and even better conditions, but applicants will not choose us anyway. What else do they want? It’s not good to lose a candidate because he accepted another offer. But are the interesting candidates really just looking for better conditions? Seldom. There are several more prosaic reasons why they choose another company. Understand them and you will immediately have more skilled people.
I recently spoke with an acquaintance of mine who was looking for a new job opportunity and was in the middle of negotiating with several employers. All three companies wanted him a lot. So I was very interested in what his decision would be based on, and where he would end up. It was not so surprising that the area of work was important to him. There was one company that was “dear to his heart”, a company that he considered an inspiring brand that he highly valued as a user. Next there was a company where he really liked the product and the more he looked at it, the more enthusiastic he became. The third company was “good” in terms of what they produced, but according to him “they still give good money”. Because money wasn’t everything to him, the choice wasn’t so clear.
While he still hesitated, I asked him what went on in his head when he thought about it all. He started to tell me about the course of the hiring process, the approach of HR managers and meetings with management. Where there was no lack of money, there was a lack of humility and a human approach from a potential senior. Maybe he was really a great guy, but that doesn’t mean that his somewhat arrogant and superior attitude will dazzle anyone. This offer was out because my friend simply couldn’t imagine working with such a person, lots of money or not. And the personnel department of that company did a standard good job and, in addition to this, his rejection cost them, I believe, some worries.
So, what do candidates care about? And can only personnel or HR managers always acquire and retain an employee? This is precisely what we will look into here.
When we create TEAM it is not the same as planting a flower bed. Flowers do not need to be won over by ideas and cooperation; they just need to fulfill their life needs. Growing candidates is different. You want to show them what might excite them and what would motivate them to join you right away, but at the same time you want to vet them and you want to be able to choose the best one. It seems a little schizophrenic, but it doesn’t have to be. You just need to be clear about how to quickly evaluate the candidates and then how not to discourage those you have already chosen.
That’s why I have some rules for you that you could follow so that everything works well, and you get the best ones for your team. They don’t get discouraged then.
Support good employees in the company. I don’t mean the clichés that are well known on the different job portals, but the fact that productive workers should feel safe and perceive that their good work is valued by the company. An integral part of this is to adequately reward great work.
Does your company create a valuable and high-quality product or service? Then you are “safe” in this respect. For the best employees, your company will definitely be more interesting if your company’s product is useful, valuable and of high quality. It is not simply a “money factory” or a dubious way of making money based, for example, on the misfortune or ignorance of others. In that case, no method of hiring executive people would work well.
Fast, pleasant and honest dealings are appreciated by every candidate, and since the HR department often creates the applicant’s first experience with your company, this is quite important. For example, responding to all non-advancing /qualifying candidates should be the standard. An unbiased approach to a candidate, and having a genuine interest in him, is something that can convince him that he is in the right place.
Responsible and professional selection with a screening of key parameters delivers the whole importance of things. It should also not be forgotten that the candidate does not know the company standards and the process tenders, so it is good to be prepared and explain them to him patiently.
Don’t compromise, don’t try to please at all costs and don’t be afraid to reject the candidate. These are certainly signs of one’s firm integrity, which is important for gaining natural respect with both candidates and colleagues from the rest of the company.
The basic idea is that the manager should look for potential in the candidate during the hiring process, and not only shortcomings
For a manager at any level, if they really value the work of everyone in the team and also the work of HR, it will not be difficult for them to find a new employee. The basic idea is that the manager should look for potential in the candidate during the hiring process, and not only shortcomings. If the candidate is qualified and preselected by HR, then the manager should put aside his “technical approach” to people.
Are the managers themselves clear about whom they are looking for, and do they also make this clear to your HR department? Thinking “it’s common knowledge” can be a big mistake. A change in requirements or a major change in job content can discourage candidates. Sufficient communication between HR and candidates, and managers and HR, is a must today. Overall, the recruiting process should have a high priority. It is a fact that we do not have time to spare, but it is also evident that the manager tends to devote the greatest amount of time to problematic (often poorly selected) employees. So, the time invested in quality selection pays off many times over.
A manager who is looking for candidates for his team should be open during interviews; he should take an interest in candidates and get them excited about their future position. The “World Champion” game might appeal to a few individuals, but if you’re after honest and work-oriented candidates, then be yourself. Tell them what you are trying to achieve, and where you would like to move the team or the company. What style of working with people has or has not paid off for you. Don’t forget that the manager of the potential newcomer should mention the reason why he is doing the job. It is possible that “the right ones” will share his reason with him.
If the company, HR dept. and managers have the right habits, they do not put any barriers between themselves and new skilled employees. And that will increase the chances that the candidates you select will choose you.