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Articles from previous issues
Welcome to TEAMS magazine # 2
This issue is all about Production. What do you think – Is the production key to your expansion of your business? Do you need to measure production of employees? What could happen if you don`t do it? You will find answers in this issue. We hope the information will be useful for your business.
Číst více Issue 2EDITORIAL by Mårten Runow
At Performia, we have consistently seen the importance of evaluating productivity thoroughly whenever or wherever you hire. This is actually the single most important factor, and if you manage to get it right you will solve a very big part of the “hiring equation”. If you look at all the people you have hired successfully…
Číst více Issue 2The main criteria in recruitment
In recruiting new people there is one factor that you have to firmly establish before you can safely decide to bring a new person on board. Production record? The first and by far the most important factor in hiring is to establish and understand a candidate’s PRODUCTION RECORD. A “product” can be defined as the…
Číst více Issue 2How to prepare
I have noticed during my 30+ years of experience in recruiting new personnel how important the interview can be if you want a really successful recruitment process. I will give you some advice here on how to prepare for such an interview with candidates. Preparation: Read the candidate’s CV to quickly get an idea of…
Číst více Issue 2Before making a decision focus on what is important
It is important to take into consideration a candidate’s previous results before you decide to hire him. The fact that a candidate has produced before and can prove it is VERY valuable in order to avoid severe hiring mistakes. This does not mean that a formerly productive person cannot become a failure in a new…
Číst více Issue 2Linda Steele & Steve Hansen: If you have productive, honest, and loyal staff, you can train them in anything you need
Linda and Steve met at River Rooster / CHOOKS fresh & tasty in 1997. Steve was the owner of the brand and growing a new franchise, and Linda started to help him with her expertise in advertising and marketing. Soon she joined the company as General Manager until Steve sold this network of 43 stores…
Číst více Issue 2Emanuela Wasinski: By measuring productivity we are transparent and that’s why we work so well together
Her role began in Customer Service and Contact Centre Management. She later headed the Operations Division and is currently the head of Talent and Quality Control. She wanted to move into this role because she loves to see people grow and develop. Why are Emanuela Wasinski and imei, a big Australian communication technology company, so…
Číst více Issue 2The theory is great but how does it work in real life?
We can find a lot of articles and reports on production and productivity on the internet, in newspapers and magazines. But how do you connect production with your employees directly? Should their work be measured or not? If yes, will it contribute to the overall production of the company or not? Will it help you…
Číst více Issue 2The first impression is seldom the most important
Predicting future impressions, however, is a key to success in hiring Some recruiters pay a lot of attention to the first impression they get from a candidate. Sometimes this could be a huge mistake. This does not mean that the first impression never matters, but it is often overrated. Maybe you met your husband or…
Číst více Issue 2Why is production so important?
The key factor for making people happy at work Anna Matusova is a co-owner and co-founder of Performia Slovakia. Her professional career in the HR field started in the 1990s as an HR manager at Eurotel (today Telecom) and then at McDonald’s. During her 20 years of work at Performia, she has interviewed thousands of…
Číst více Issue 2Welcome to TEAMS magazine # 1
This issue brings you an inside view of Testing personality. Is it really important to do it? Is it actually possible to measure it? How does it work in reality? Does it help you build a better team? You will find answers in this issue. We hope you will enjoy reading it.
Číst více Issue 1EDITORIAL by Marten Runow
To describe the main problem with hiring in just a few lines is actually not hard. You simply hire someone who made a good impression but who does not produce anything of real value. Even worse, you hire someone who secretly destroyed what was previously functioning. Most executives I learned to know have had that…
Číst více Issue 1Testování osobnosti
Proč vlastně testovat osobnost? „Není testování osobnosti tak trochu divné?“ napadne každého, kdo někdy přemýšlel o tom, co je to vlastně osobnost a kde se bere. „Divné“ to není, ale jen ve chvíli, kdy měříte tím správným metrem a víte, jak se na výsledek dívat. Osobnost se možná zdá jako trochu komplikovaný „předmět“, ale rozhodně není nepochopitelný.…
Číst více Issue 1Trendy (nejen) v HR
Jak vypadá měření osobnosti u nás i v zahraničí V době, kdy se čím dál výrazněji pracuje na tom, aby šikovní lidé z firmy neodcházeli, ještě mnohem více rezonuje téma testování osobnostního potenciálu. Schopnost porozumět lidem se rázem přesouvá na první kolej zájmu nejen českých firem. Protože jsme známí naším U-testem, který se na osobnost velmi podrobně dívá, rozhodli jsme…
Číst více Issue 1Árpád Vas: Thanks to the personality tests, people are like an “open book” for me
In the work of Árpád Vas, you can see an example where the love of one’s profession is coupled with a love for people. Together with his son, he has already been running the family business with constant success for 25 years, and their biggest advantage over the competition is the approach of their staff.…
Číst více Issue 1Teorie je skvělá, ale jak to chodí v praxi?
Ač nemálo lidí má před jakýmikoliv testy osobnostního potenciálu respekt, můžeme, slovy jedné z našich úspěšných klientek, říci, že ti schopní se testování nebojí. Na konkrétní zkušenosti jsme se pro vás zeptali těch, kteří testování osobnosti používají ve firmě už běžně. A není divu, že je pro ně synonymem pro test osobnosti takzvaný U-test, který pochází z dílny…
Číst více Issue 1POHLED ZE ŠVÉDSKA
Osobnost je balíček řešení, která používáme, když nastane problém „Co je podle tebe vlastně osobnost?“ ptám se Mårtena Runowa. „Dobrá otázka,“ odpovídá a já cítím úlevu, protože položit svému nejvyššímu šéfovi takhle základní otázku, když vím, že se osobností zabývá denně už asi 25 let, se mi zdá trochu začátečnické. „Osobnost je slovo, které často používáme, aniž…
Číst více Issue 1